Youth can lead today is a Practical Youth Leadership Training, which is it’s very own kind that brings together different youth groups from different regions in Somaliland. This is a part of an ongoing activities which aims to support the youth particularly women to increase their participation in different sectors such as public sector by making them leaders of today. For the longest time different training sessions were provided to the youth to encourage and make them leaders, this program will spring their cognitive content by giving them Practical training internship.

“Youth can lead today” was designed in a comprehensive and challenging way as such to make youth understand their roles and responsibilities with in both the society and politics and they have the power to make changes, before the official training there was a various steps carried out including shortlisting and selecting participants of the program. With in the participants a leader was selected which they had a contest and carried out a campaigns to gather votes.

The Program was advertised September 2019, while more than 100 Youth leaders applied, and only 21 Youth Leaders were selected to participate a one year leadership training.

The Participants of this Program will roleplay the key government positions, like the judiciary, executive and legislative branches to better understand the Somaliland’s leadership style. also the youth leaders will meet most of Somaliland Leaders including the vice President, the Key Ministers, the Opposition Parties and the Civil Society Offices.

Youth Leaders Met the Vice President of Somaliland